

The name of this organization shall be "Akhil Anjana Association of North America" hereinafter abbreviated as "AAANA"

ARTICLE II – Office:

The office of the association at present time shall be in the State of New Jersey, USA or at such other location that the executive board may decide.

ARTICLE III – Objectives:

The association shall operate solely as a non-profit organization with the following objectives:

  1. The advancement of cultural and social understanding between the Anjana community and the other communities we live in.
  2. To organize annual gathering to meet and discuss issues affecting the AAANA and encourage similar participation by young generation.
  3. The publication of community news release and cultural education material.
  4. Provide forum to organize cultural, spiritual and religious festive gatherings.
  5. To provide moral and/or financial support to those in need of assistance.
  6. To seek and extend cooperation from and to similar provincial and national groups or associations

ARTICLE IV –Membership:

  1. Membership is open to all individuals having interest in the betterment and upliftment of the Anjana community.
  2. There shall be the following types of members:
    a) Bi-annual member–$151
    b) Student/Youth Members–$51
    c) Honorary Members—FREE
  3. Except the honorary members, all other members shall be residents of USA or Canada.
  4. Honorary members and any member under eighteen (18) years shall not be eligible to vote or contest in an election.

ARTICLE V – Executive Board and Committees:

  1. Executive Board: The executive board shall consist of the following officers and board members, the board members (3) can be elected and/or appointed by the President and the Secretary:
    a) President
    b) Secretary/Treasury
    c) Three(3) board members (elected and/or appointed by President and Secretary)
  2. Program Planning Committee: The program planning committee helps organize cultural and festive gatherings and annual general meeting planning activities.

The committee members as needed are appointed by the President in consultation with the executive board members.

ARTICLE VI – Amendments:

  1. Notice of motion for amendment to the constitution shall be delivered in writing on the signatures of at least five current members, to the Secretary, at least four weeks prior to the date of the general meeting. Such notice shall be distributed by the Secretary to each executive board member at least two weeks prior to such meeting.
  2. Amendment of the articles shall require at least one third of the total members of the AAANA organization to be present at the general meeting and the consent of two thirds of the present members for approval.


The organization may make rules and/or bylaws and constitute new committees as needed for effective function of the AAANA.

ARTICLE VIII – Dissolution:

The AAANA organization may be dissolved if two thirds of the total number of current members at the time of vote for the dissolution. Upon dissolution, the remaining assets be used exclusively for section 501(c)(3)exempt purposes, such as charitable, religious, educational, and/or scientific purposes.